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How to ruin an OnStar operator's day.

The following is the result of an IM riff between myself and a co-worker. We're not well.

Hello OnStar
Yes, what's the top speed of a Tahoe?
Sir, I'm not really sure, 110 maybe. Why do you ask?
Oh, no reason, but are you sure its not 140?...141....142...143...

Hello? are BOTH airbags supposed to deploy at the same time?

Hi, I'm having some trouble repacking the airbags, is there a diagram in the owner's manual somewhere?

Where is the button that flips it back onto its wheels?

Hypothetically, could you remind me if you're supposed to open the windows when your car is sinking....hypothetically

When replacing the rear axle assembly....are those 1/2 inch or 9/16 inch bolts?

How do you get blood out of the headliner?

Do you know you can fit 10 humans in the back seat....if you cut them up JUST RIGHT

Can they trace this car back to me if it still has dealer plates?

Hello, OnStar.
Yes I'm having trouble starting my new car (train whistle in background)

....um, i noticed the windows are NOT bulletproof.

.....536 feet.....that's how far the engine will fly if you hit the concrete post.

If I were to drive my hummer off of a 300 foot cliff, would I surv....

Will my runflat tires protect against bone?


Did you know that the top speed is only 72 mph in reverse.....and it DAMN NEAR FLIPPED during my ROCKFORD manuever!

If I were to swerve into a police car, would it be run off the road?

Ok, its gone a bit beyond the initial conversation now, the following have been added.

Hello Onstar? can you tell me the correct procedure to remove a honda civic from the undercarriage?....

Hello Onstar? (needy voice, verge of tears) my girlfriend just dumped me .. I'm hurting so much .. could you, y'know, just talk to me for awhile? (sob)